QRZ! Ham Radio 3
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>From: Ed_Eric_Mitchell@cup.portal.com
Newsgroups: rec.ham-radio
Subject: Freq. Mods for Yaesu FT727R
Date: 11 Feb 89 05:08:02 GMT
Here is a way to get the Yaesu FT-727 Dual Band Talkie out of the band
in both UHF and VHF both lower and higher than normal. Although illegal
it will transmit as well and all is done by keyboard entree, no mods.
When and if you take the battery off and turn off the memory backup
switch off for a couple of seconds, the talkie looses all memory.
Put the battery back on and turn on the talkie, you will notice that the
display turns on all segments for 1 sec then goes blank. At this point
the processor is looking for a 6 digit code. The factory code to make
the program an is from the factory is ( 443300 ) and if you enter those
digits the talkie will return to normal again. However if you enter the
code ( 601111 ) you will notice the talkie will come up in a different
mode you can and must input 5 digits instead of 4 to input a freq.
Example in the normal mode to get freq 147.06 you would enter 7060 then
hit the dial button.
In the expanded mode you would enter 47060 to get the 147.06 cause
your display now takes and controls the last 5 digits of a freq
instead of the normal 4.
This leads to this entering the freq 50450 would give and display
150.450 mhz and 61650 would give you 161.650.
And yes this works on the 440 band too. The limits it seems to go is
around on 440 band is 430 mhz to about 463.500 or so.
The only drawback is on 440 you are stuck with 10 or 20 kc steping. thats
ok for 444.1 or 462.050 but 444.255 would be either 444.250 or 444.260 The
display will tell you if you try to enter something using 5 kc, it will
automatically change to a 0 instead when you hit the dial button.
(see last paragraph)
Other than getting used to entering 5 digits instead of 4 thats it.
Oh and don't forget to re enter into the shift memory the fact that you want
5.0 mhz offset for uhf and 0.6 mhz offset for vhf. In the expanded mode it
comes up with both offsets 0 but you only have to enter this once as it will
never forget them because of the lithium backup.
Just remember if you want to put your talkie back to normal just repeat the
process and when it comes up blank press 443300 and it will be factory normal
offsets, steps , and everything already set to go.
Ronny Ligon 70675,630
[Note: I have used this mod in order to use the HT as a scanner to
monitor local fire dept frequencies. No, it won't go high enough
to cover GMRS and besides, the radio has not been type accepted
for operation outside the ham/mars/cap frequencies.
de Ed Mitchell, WA6AOD (SYSOP) @ N6IIU
FT727 walkies with the enhanced processor have the proper steps even
when operating out-of-band. On UHF, they'll do either 25kHz or 12.5kHz
steps. The upgrade used to be $30 and one week at the factory. Perhaps
it's still available. Later models were sold with it in place.
(note: I have not tried or verified this, proceed at your own risk!